What is the

Welcome to Medicare Wellness Exam

The "Welcome to Medicare" physical exam helps you and your doctor develop a personalized plan to prevent disease, improve your health, and help you stay well. A few things you should know:

It’s Free. There is no copayment or deductible for the exam.

Call Pinnacle Primary Care & Wellness Center when you sign up for Medicare.
You can get the exam during the first 12 months you have Medicare.
After the first year, you can get a yearly "Wellness" exam for free.
It is comprehensive.
It includes a review of your medical history; preventative test and screenings; and planning for a healthy future.

The exam is covered by Original Medicare (Part B) and Medicare Advantage Plans. Under the new Healthcare law, the exam is now free to those with Original Medicare, and to most people with Medicare Advantage Plans, along with a number of preventative screenings and services (like mammograms and colonoscopies).  

What should you expect during the exam?
- Record and evaluate your medical and family history, current health conditions, and prescriptions.
- Check your blood pressure, vision, weight, and height to get a baseline for your care.
- Make sure you’re up-to-date with preventative screenings and services, such as cancer screening and shots.
- Order further tests, depending on your general health and medical history.

Following the exam, you will get a plan or checklist with free screenings and preventative services that you need.  

What should you bring to your "Welcome to Medicare" exam?
- Medical Records, including immunizations and surgical history.
- Family History. Prescription bottles.
- Over the counter list of drugs, vitamins, and supplements you are taking.
- List of Other Medical Providers you visit and what you see them for.